Shopping For Makeup Online vs In Person

There are many different places to shop for makeup products! You can shop online or shop in store. 80% of the time I prefer shopping in person than online. The reason why I prefer to shop in person is because it's easier to see colours and feel the texture. These are so important when trying to choose makeup products. Shopping online for makeup can be tricky. You can't always trust the pictures and videos you see. The product may look one way in the picture but be a totally different colour or texture in person. I've had many makeup products that I've ordered online that didn't look anything like they did in the picture. So, for me, shopping in person is the way to go when looking for makeup products.

When I'm shopping for makeup products in person, I can take my time to really look at the products. If I'm able to get a sample, I go to the counter and ask for a sample of the product. This way I can see if the colour is right for me and if the texture is something I'm looking for. I can also ask the sales associate for their opinion on the product. They usually have a lot of knowledge about the products and can help guide me to the right product.

It's also great to get other shopper's opinions, especially when you're trying to decide what to buy. Don't be shy - they might have tried the product, or they can help validate your thoughts. You never know, Some shoppers could also be beauty experts, so it's a great opportunity to get some advice.

I know that sometimes shopping at the drugstore can be frustrating, especially when there are no samples available or the beauty experts aren't particularly helpful. But even though it can be annoying, I would still choose in-person shopping over online shopping any day. I just love the fact that I can see the products, think about it, do some research and come back if I really need it.

The only time I shop for makeup online is if I already own the product or if I'm buying a product based on a trusted recommendation.

I would love to know if you prefer shopping online or in person?


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